Dallas: CPTSD and PTSD shields. She-Ra’s or He-Man’s?

What do CPTSD or PTSD survivors (we do not use the word ‘victim’) use to defend themselves when all has been broken and torn apart? If you’re alive to read this right now, then whatever you have experienced, I promise you, YOU ARE A SURVIVOR. You found your SHIELD. Dallas

Dallas: Post-school holidays re-set. PTSD self-scan.

School holidays give me perspective on life. Now I’m out the other side and husband is back at work, kids back to nursery/school, I miss everyone, the lovely togetherness and long for the weekends when we can all just BE. I don’t miss the hectic mess and lack of peace at home.

Dallas: PTSD and the Window of Tolerance

It never fails. I am going along, seemingly handling all the big deals in my life, balancing all the balls, spinning all the plates: family, job, continuing education for said job, bills, friends, and just when I feel like I have it all going for me… WHAM! The tiniest issue takes my feet out from under me and I’m a puddle on the floor.

Dallas: CPTSD and PTSD survivors repeat after me…”I’ve got SUPERPOWERS!!”

John and his wife Mel have poured their blood, sweat and tears into creating awareness through this book and supporting CPTSD and PTSD survivors. AND IT SHOWS. Dallas