Dallas: Youngest child off to school… utterly terrifying, by a Complex PTSD survivor

Sh*t… it’s f’ing hard. Not usually my beautiful public school education lingo, but it’s far from ‘jolly hockeysticks darlings’. For the 8th morning in a row, my little 4 year old boy was afraid, scared, terrified about going to school. Dallas

Dallas: I’m (a PTSD survivor work in progress) going places!

What do you other mums or dads feel like when you’ve been at home caring full time for your little ones and then SUDDENLY they’re both at school and you’re LOST? How can I find my drive and proactive energy to get through the hours I’m apart from them? I have always had all-consuming and demanding careers until I became a stay at home mummy 4 years ago. Dallas

Dallas: My heart belongs to Daddy, a Veteran with Complex PTSD

The first time I was out of my parents’ physical reach I was truly on my own. Aged 6. I was to become the survivor, the soldier, the toughie (his words). I was Daddy’s number 1 ‘son’. I was groomed to follow in his footsteps from that moment forward. Dallas

Dallas: Dear Santa, Please may I have a new brain? Love Laura, a Compex PTSD survivor

Christmas is coming. It’s bloody well almost round the mountain, about to ‘sleigh’ my brain all over again. The annual dread of the ‘big day’. Memories, triggers, confusing feelings, remorse and more. Sound familiar? Heavens above, you are not alone! Dallas

Dallas: A glimpse of hope? CBD and PTSD.

It is one week and 2 days since I started taking full spectrum CBD oil. What a shock though to be hit between the eyes with the reality of the ying and yang of ‘me’ and what is is like to live with ‘me’, what it is to love and depend on ‘me’…with and without CBD. Dallas

Complex PTSD Recovery Book Dallas

Dallas: Books On Living With People With PTSD. I think “#dealwithit – living well with PTSD” is a book for anyone who has lost it all. If you have been shot at, faced with sudden loss, blown up, screwed over (or in my case, screwed), this book is for you. I like to think of it as duct tape for the soul.” —Dr. John A. King